Adding a Recording Key

Administrators and content owners with permission can create recording keys.

  • Administrators select Administer : Content Management : Recording keys - Add.
  • Content owners select Manage : My Recording Keys : Create a new recording key.
Property Description
Recording key A number of up to 10 digits required to start recording or streaming. Administrators can define the recording key. Leaving the field empty instructs the system to generate a key.

Administrators can specify the default length of keys that the system generates.

Administrators can also enable a blank recording key, which allows users to record without entering a key value.

You can configure the LifeSize video system to use a specific, default recording key. In this case, users are not prompted to enter a key when recording. Refer to the video system's user and administrator guide for supported models.

Owner By default, the user who created the recording key. Administrators can change the owner.
Name Descriptive name of the recording key.
Channel By default, Main. Administrators and recording key owners can assign the recording to a different channel.

When you select a channel other than Main, the channel’s default values are used for Share with all, Viewers, and Viewer groups. You can edit these values. If you edit an existing recording key and change the channel, the channel’s default values are not used.

Description Descriptive details.
Tags Descriptive terms that help users find videos recorded with the key.
Share with all Clear the checkbox to specify users and groups who can view videos recorded with the key.
Stream live Select to create live streams with the key. Live streams are available to view during the call.
Record stream Records the stream. Recorded calls are available to view after the recording is complete. With both Record stream and Stream live selected, the stream is available to view during the call.
Default recording layout Determines whether video from the near end, far end, or both are recorded. Defaults to Use the video system setting. The setting in the recording key overrides the setting on the LifeSize video system initiating the recording.
Recording bit rate Specifies the bit rate (in kb/s) to use when recording.
Low bit rate version Generates a second dual stream video version at the bit rate specified for PC viewers whose bandwidth cannot support the bit rate of the primary version. The server automatically determines which version to send to PC viewers based on the quality of their Internet connection.
stream 1
Generates combined main and presentation video for mobile devices at the bit rate specified. Set this to the highest bit rate the device can sustain with a good Internet connection.
stream 2
Generates a second combined main and presentation video for mobile devices at the bit rate specified. Set this to the lowest rate to ensure mobile devices with slower Internet connections can experience uninterrupted streaming. The client automatically determines the version to use based on the network connection.
Mobile stream layout Appears only when a mobile stream is enabled. Specify the layout of the combined main and presentation video in the stream. The viewer cannot change the layout.
Presentation quality Defaults to Low. Use a higher setting to improve the readability of small text or detail in a presentation.
Enable multicasting Appears only when multicasting is configured on LifeSize UVC Video Center. Select this option to multicast the live video. You must also select Stream live and at least one mobile stream layout.
Allow commenting Appears only when commenting is configured globally on LifeSize UVC Video Center. Clear this option to disable commenting on videos created with this key.
Allow download Appears only when downloading is configured globally on LifeSize UVC Video Center. Clear this option to prevent users from downloading videos created with this key.
Enable chat Appears only when chat is enabled globally on LifeSize UVC Video Center and Stream live is enabled. Clear this option to disable chat in live streams that use this key.

Creating low bit rate or mobile streams uses additional storage and reduces capacity for simultaneous recordings.

Mobile streams use the industry standard Apple HTTP Live Streaming protocol, which supports live and recorded streams, and streams at different bit rates.